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Hospice Care Services in Portland, OR

Hospice care is necessary for countless with life-limiting illnesses. Hospice benefits can encompass a variety of services, from in-home nursing care to basic medical supplies. In short, hospice is meant to provide comfort, support, and quality of life to people with terminal illnesses. Despite including lots of services, it’s important to know what is usually not included in hospice care. Get this crucial information from Portland, OR’s Agape Hospice NW.

Curative Treatments

Curative treatments and medications are not covered under hospice care benefits. This is because hospice, at its core, is not aimed at curing a terminal illness. Instead, the focus is put on easing symptoms and providing comfort. Pain and symptom management are critical components of hospice care, and medications that improve quality of life may be included, such as the following:

  • Pain relievers
  • Anti-anxiety medication
  • Nausea medication
  • Anti-inflammatories

Room and Board

Hospice care typically occurs at home or in nursing facilities. As such, room and board are not included in hospice benefits. In some circumstances, facilities may provide 24/7 custodial care, but this is not the norm. Instead, most patients receive in-home care from a trained hospice professional.


Rehabilitation services, such as physical therapy, are generally not included in hospice care. Rehabilitation is usually focused on recovering from an injury or illness, while hospice is focused on comfort and quality of life. As hospice is not intended to cure a condition, rehabilitation does not align with its goals. However, exceptions can occur based on a patient’s unique needs and circumstances.

Alternative Types of Care

Patients receiving hospice care do not often receive alternative types of care, such as art therapy, massage, acupuncture, or yoga. These are considered complementary therapies and are not usually included in the standard hospice care package.

Here’s What You Can Expect From Hospice

Now that you know what usually isn’t included in hospice, it’s time to get familiar with what you can expect from this type of care. While hospice is not all-encompassing, it does include all services associated with making a patient’s final days as comfortable as possible. Personalized hospice care may include:

  • Routine Medical Care: Routine medical services focused on symptom management are included in hospice. These services are typically provided by a team of healthcare professionals, including physicians, nurses, and hospice specialists.
  • Prescribed Medication: Medications for symptom control and pain relief are included in hospice care. These prescriptions are tailored to the patient’s unique needs and attempt to maximize comfort and overall quality of life.
  • Counseling: Hospice care often includes psychological and spiritual counseling for both the patient and their family. These services give needed emotional support and help people cope with the challenges of a terminal illness.
  • Personal Assistance: Should patients need help with bathing, dressing, eating, and light housekeeping, a hospice care team can provide personal assistance.
  • Medical Supplies: While hospice care doesn’t always cover all medical supplies, it should cover anything directly related to the terminal illness.
  • Bereavement Support: Once the patient passes away, hospice still offers bereavement services to families. Dealing with grief is nothing short of a challenge, and these services can help you navigate its ups and downs.

Get Support for Your Loved One Today

While hospice care provides invaluable support and comfort to those with terminal illnesses, it’s important to understand what is not included. This can help patients and their families make informed decisions about end-of-life care options and ensure they receive the most appropriate care for their needs. Contact Agape Hospice NW today to learn more about what we offer our Portland, OR patients and their families.

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