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Hospice for Stroke Patients in Portland, OR

Classified as a primary cause of death and disability amongst Americans, stroke is often a precursor to hospice care. However, stroke patients’ hospice care varies from standard hospice. To help you make the right choice for your loved one, Agape Hospice NW is here to explore hospice for stroke patients in Portland, OR.

The Reality of Stroke

According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, approximately two-thirds of stroke patients die in the hospital less than a year from the date of their stroke, and roughly one in ten will die at home. These alarming statistics emphasize the significance of pursuing the appropriate hospice care services for stroke patients.

What Is Hospice for Stroke

Remaining true to the origins of hospice care, hospice for stroke patients aims to reduce or eliminate physical and/or emotional distress. Reserved for individuals and families navigating terminal diagnoses derived from stroke, this multidisciplinary care structure combines medical management, practical assistance, and personalized support to foster comfort during the final stages of life.

When to Consider Hospice for Stroke Patients

Stroke patients may be considered for hospice under the following circumstances:

  • Recurring stroke complications, severe symptoms, and/or frequent hospitalizations
  • Progressing neurological damage and/or multiple strokes
  • Exhausted rehabilitative efforts and plateaued recovery
  • Inability to manage symptoms independently

Eligibility for Stroke Patients’ Hospice Care

Patients must undergo an eligibility evaluation performed by a qualified physician prior to seeking hospice care. This assessment is used to determine the possibility of recovery or if the condition is projected to cause further decline. The eligibility criteria to place stroke patients in hospice requires a terminal diagnosis and a life expectancy of six months or less.

Signs Stroke Patients Need Hospice

Eligibility evaluations and physician referrals are mandatory prerequisites of hospice for stroke patients. However, there are certain signs that indicate it’s time to consider advanced care options, including:

  • Inability to independently perform grooming/hygiene tasks
  • Ongoing weight loss and insufficient caloric intake
  • Decreased cognitive function
  • Minimal to no communication
  • Prolonged coma and/or limited consciousness

Understanding the Risk Factors for Stroke Patients

Stroke patients are susceptible to many subsequent medical conditions and complications that can influence the trajectory of their projected care requirements. These risks may include:

  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Ongoing neurological problems

Hospice’s Role in Helping Stroke Patients

When you enter a stroke patient into hospice care, the process is entirely tailored to the individual and their family. Catering to the patient’s distinct physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, our hospice care programs for stroke may include the following:

  • Pain management
  • Emotional and psychological support
  • Personalized, multidisciplinary care coordination
  • Around-the-clock support and on-demand assistance
  • Bereavement counseling and family resources

The Focus of Hospice for Stroke Patients

At Agape Hospice NW, hospice care for treating patients with strokes does not focus on alleviating the ailment. In contrast to conventional medical care, hospice for stroke patients is not designed to cure the condition. Instead, these services aim to encourage an improved quality of life for stroke patients – and their families – as they approach the end of their life.

The Benefits of Stroke Patient Hospice Care

The impact of quality hospice care cannot be overstated. The leading benefits of hospice include:

  • Reduced risk of hospitalizations, new or worsening symptoms, and/or complications
  • Increased patient comfort and well-being
  • Compassionate and dignified assistance
  • Support for patients, caregivers, and loved ones

Take the First Step Towards Hospice for Stroke Patients

A stroke is a life-altering medical event, but you do not have to go through it alone. Take the first step towards sustainable comfort and compassionate support with Agape Hospice NW. Contact us today to learn more about how our hospice care can benefit your family.

Experience Top-Tier Hospice Care