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Hospice Care in Portland, OR

When it’s time to consider hospice care, you may be overwhelmed by all the components involved in making this challenging decision. Between accepting the condition of you or your loved one, the decisions involved in end-of-life planning, and the financial aspect of hospice care, you may feel defeated before care even commences.

Agape Hospice NW is here to ease the strain with professional insight into the specifics of funding in-home hospice care and the services available to you, enabling you to be confident in your decision to move forward with the compassionate in-home hospice care you need.

Using Insurance to Pay for Hospice

Hospice care is typically covered by Medicare, Medicaid, and most private insurance. Medicare and Medicaid both cover hospice care for individuals who are eligible and have a terminal illness, with a life expectancy of six months or less if the illness runs its normal course. Private insurance may vary depending on the individual’s plan.

Paying for In-Home Care Out of Pocket

Patients and their loved ones may be subject to pay for in-home hospice care out of pocket if they have no insurance or if their insurance does not cover hospice care. However, some hospice care providers may have a sliding fee scale or financial assistance programs to help patients who are unable to pay for the full cost of care. Generally, our patients and their loved pay no out of pocket costs.

Free Hospice Care Through Doctor Referrals

Agape Hospice NW offers services free of charge for patients who have been recommended or referred by their physician. In order to be referred, the patient is recognized as terminally ill and no longer receiving or willing to receive curative treatment for their illness. The care is then taken on by a hospice care team to ensure the patient is comfortable during their final months.

These hospice care services have no out-of-pocket costs, and payments for these services are strictly through Medicare, and HMOs.  However Agape Hospice NW will also serve the Underfunded. This includes medical supplies, medications, and equipment that may be needed during hospice care.

Free Hospice Care Eligibility

Once a patient’s treatment plan is transferred from curative to symptom management, hospice care can be provided at no cost. This is not a service geared only toward seniors. A range of diseases and illnesses can make you a candidate for hospice care, including:

    • Heart disease
    • Alzheimer’s and dementia
    • Respiratory disease
    • Neurologic diseases
    • Liver and renal failure
    • Cancer
    • Stroke
    • Coma
    • HIV/AIDS

The Professionals Who Oversee Hospice Care

Hospice care may vary from one patient to the next, as specific needs will not be the same for all people pursuing end-of-life care. Typically, the professionals overseeing a patient’s hospice care will include:

    • Physicians
    • Nurse practitioners
    • Registered nurses
    • Licensed practical nurses
    • Certified hospice aids
    • Social workers
    • Spiritual and bereavement counselors
    • On-call nurses for 24-hour support
    • Volunteers

Free Services Available to Hospice Care Patients

A hospice care plan will be tailored to fit the needs and preferences of the patient. They will encompass the patient’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs while also providing support and guidance for the family or loved ones involved in the hospice care journey.

These personalized care services include, nursing services, hospice aides, pain and symptom control, social services, bereavement support, geriatric and palliative care, and volunteer assistance. The hospice care plan can be changed or modified at any time to better accommodate the patient and their loved ones.  Agape Hospice NW’s care services are all overseen by our experienced physicians who are also experts in geriatric care.

Personalized Care Services

Personalized care services provide the patient undergoing hospice care with respect and dignity, enabling them to make as many decisions about their care as possible. Personalized care services are geared toward ensuring a patient’s hospice care plan is carried out according to their preferences, respecting their decisions on procedures or treatments that they wish to pursue or deny. This service also notes specifics regarding life support and interventions should the patient not be able to communicate their wishes as their illness progresses.

Hospice Aides

In-home hospice care encompasses more than symptom management and medical procedure planning. Hospice care also helps the patient and their family live with a sense of normalcy and independence at home. Our Hospice Aide (CNA’s) services are geared toward helping with daily tasks and providing companionship in a dignified and nurturing manner. These services can be used as little or as frequently as necessary and may include assistance with:

    • Bathing and hygiene needs
    • Dressing and grooming
    • Assistance moving around the home
    • Light housekeeping
    • Meals and feeding
    • Companionship
    • Emotional and spiritual support

Pain and Symptom Control

When a patient chooses to terminate curative treatment, they may be left with pain and discomfort from their condition. These symptoms may manifest as pain, breathing troubles, fatigue, skin irritations, nausea, and other unpleasant side effects.

Pain control and symptom control is a valuable aspect of hospice care, as it’s designed to eliminate or reduce discomfort so the patient can experience a better quality of life. Symptom control treatments are carried out by multi-disciplinary professionals who respect the patient’s wishes and provide compassionate relief for symptoms at the patient’s discretion.

Bereavement Support and Social Services

Social workers and support professionals are vital to the patient and their family’s emotional and spiritual wellness during the hospice care process. They are instrumental in advocating for the patient and family’s best interest, providing support and compassion while helping the involved parties understand the healthcare needs of the patient.

Support professionals may aid with several challenging decisions, including end-of-life planning, such as making arrangements for funerals and burials, as well as assisting with important documentation. Social workers can work closely with the family members or the patients power of attorney to assist in resource for payment of long term care if needed. They can also provide bereavement services, helping the family grieve and cope with the loss of their loved one.

Learn More About Free In-Home Hospice Care

Agape Hospice NW is here to help you with in-home hospice care with compassionate professionals who value and respect the wishes of our patients and their families. We are dedicated to providing a comfortable experience without the strain of financial burdens and medical costs, creating a quality dynamic for your end-of-life care. Contact our caring hospice care professionals today to learn more about our services and discover how Agape Hospice NW can help you and your family.

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