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What You Need to Know

When someone is diagnosed with a terminal health condition, their families likely have countless questions. How long do they have to live? What does hospice care entail? Does hospice cost money? These are only a few examples of things you may be wondering about as you consider the benefits of hospice. Fortunately, Portland, OR families can count on Agape Hospice NW for outstanding services, compassionate care, and quick responses to questions – at no cost. We’re glad to inform families and patients about hospice services and what to expect while receiving care.

Most Insurance Covers Hospice

Whether your loved one has Medicare, Medicaid, or private insurance, it’s likely they have some kind of hospice benefit. The cost of hospice is covered under most insurance plans, and providers can work directly with patients who do not have insurance. In general, insurance will pay for any medical care related to the terminal illness. More specifically, plans usually have provisions for the following:

  • Nursing care
  • Social work
  • Medical equipment and supplies
  • Medication for symptom and pain management
  • Personal care
  • Non-curative therapies

What Insurance Doesn’t Cover

As you investigate the cost of hospice, be sure to take note of what some insurance doesn’t cover. Most plans do a good job of providing patients with the care they need, but Medicare is not all-inclusive. Original Medicare does not pay for the following:

  • Medication unrelated to the terminal illness
  • Room and board
  • Emergency room visits
  • Care from providers outside the hospice team

Balancing the Benefits With the Costs

Although insurance doesn’t cover everything, hospice does not typically cost as much as people think. The key is to balance the benefits of hospice with the price of the things not covered by Medicare or private insurance. As you weigh the pros and cons, make sure to consider these benefits:

  • Pain relief and symptom management
  • Emotional, social, and spiritual support for patients
  • Increased quality of life and time spent with loved ones
  • Respite care to provide caregivers with a break
  • Assistance with end-of-life planning and decision-making

Get High-Quality, Affordable Hospice Today

Hospice is an excellent option for families in Portland, OR, and you should never let finances stand in the way of getting your loved one the best care possible. The team at Agape Hospice NW offers exceptional hospice care at no cost to families. We provide the gold standard in coordination of care, personal assistance, bereavement support, and much more. Contact us today for affordable hospice care.

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