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Hospice and Nursing Homes in Portland, OR

Nursing homes and hospices go hand-in-hand. After all, they serve a similar overarching purpose: To help elderly and ill people make the most of the rest of their lives. However, hospice care is not the same as going into a nursing home, and many nursing home professionals push the importance of hospice in addition to their own services. This leaves people wondering why nursing homes tend to push hospice care for their patients with a life-limiting illness. The team at Agape Hospice NW can explain why so many Portland, OR nursing homes recommend hospice to their residents.

Enhanced Support for Patients

Nursing homes are equipped to handle the day-to-day needs of residents, but most are not prepared to manage a significant decline in health. Many times, extra support becomes necessary. Hospice services can step in to provide an extra means of care, working in tandem with the nursing home staff to maintain the patient’s comfort. In addition to offering medical support, hospice care takes some of the pressure off nursing home staff who cannot always provide specialized attention to every resident.

Improved Symptom Management

Hospice enrollment is often associated with higher quality symptom and pain management. This expertise can prove invaluable in a nursing home setting, where staff may not all have the specialized training to manage complex end-of-life symptoms. Hospice professionals are well-equipped to handle the following physical changes:

  • Irregular breathing
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Inability to eat or drink
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Low blood pressure
  • Extreme fatigue

Lower Hospitalization Rates

Nursing homes tend to push hospice because these services often lead to lower hospitalization rates. Hospice professionals can manage symptoms effectively and know what warning signs to look for when assessing a patient. This expertise allows the appropriate care to be provided in the nursing home, not a hospital emergency room.

Getting the Best Care for Your Loved One

All in all, combining hospice with a nursing home residency is an excellent way to get the best care for your loved one. When nursing homes recommend hospice, they do so in an effort to connect residents with the highest quality care available. Supplementing nursing home services with hospice means access to the following:

  • In-home health aides
  • Medical equipment related to the terminal illness
  • Social work
  • Respite care
  • Coordination of care
  • Personal assistance
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Bereavement support

Reach Out to Agape Hospice NW Today

The push for hospice care in nursing homes arises from a combination of factors, from needing additional support to decreasing trips to the hospital. If your loved one’s nursing home recommends hospice, it’s important to consult with a physician before proceeding. Talking with someone who is keenly aware of your loved one’s condition will give you the proper insight on when to begin hospice. Contact Agape Hospice NW to find out what hospice can mean for your family.

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